“I have not yet begun to fight!” - John Paul Jones and the Battle of Flamborough Head
On the night of September 23, 1779, the most storied American naval battle of the Revolutionary War took place as the 40-gun Bonhomme...
My Mission
I firmly believe that our first duty as Americans and people of the world is to remember the sacrifices of others. Sports broadcasting gave me my voice. Now, I’m using that voice and all of the skills that I have learned to honor the heroes of history. By eternalizing the stories of these individuals, I hope that I can remind everyone why we should never take anything in this life for granted. As time goes on, this website will serve as a resource for all generations to understand why we must always honor the ultimate symbols of our freedom.
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I will use my skills to help anyone that I can. No one will be forgotten and no place is out of reach.
From a very young age I have understood that my place in this world is the result of sacrifices made by others. My passion for Military history helped to fuel that belief and has been a constant in my life ever since. .
I have been fortunate enough to have worked for the New York Giants, Madison Square Garden, & ESPN Radio Albany. I have hosted my own sports talk show called, The Sports Vault for over 5 years. These experiences continue to enhance my creative capabilities.
Nothing brings me more joy than sharing my mission with others. Whether it's in front of a camera, microphone, or classroom, I am open to every form of communication. .