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Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park: Civil War Memorial


Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park in Groton, Connecticut is truly an amazing place. This was the site of the largest Revolutionary War battle fought in Connecticut almost 236 years ago. I’m very much looking forward to sharing the photos and stories from this landmark over the next few days.

While it’s easy to consider Fort Griswold itself as the main attraction, there are a variety of other memorials and artifacts that can be found on these grounds. One of my personal favorites is the Civil War Memorial, erected by Sergeant Robert Gray to honor his brave comrades that valiantly fought for the Union cause. Gray served with the 21st Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers during the war and is a recipient of the United States Military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor.

These words are written on the Civil War Memorial, “Erected by Robert A. Gray and dedicated to the memory of his brave comrades who offered their lives for their country in the war of 1961-1965.”

According to Gray’s Medal of Honor citation, he was awarded this distinction, “for extraordinary heroism on 16 May 1864, while serving with Company C, 21st Connecticut Infantry, in action at Drewry’s Bluff, Virginia.” His citation further states, “While retreating with his regiment, which had been repulsed, Sergeant Gray voluntarily returned, in face of the enemy’s fire, to a former position and rescued a wounded officer of his company who was unable to walk.”

I felt tremendously proud to stand before this memorial and I sincerely hope that we never forget men like Sergeant Robert A. Gray.

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